Promoting teacher competence to develop a learning atmosphere in school classes that are heterogeneous especially in terms of language, culture and achievement following the principles and practice of Gestalt-pedagogy

< starting page

  1. Goals
  2. Background
  3. Progress
  4. Supporting Institutes
  5. Trainings and Teams
  6. Evaluation Reports
  7. Contacts

    Inhalte: Qualifications | Institutes

    4. Partners and supporting institutions

    4.5. Information about the Coordinator and Project Partners

    Coordinating institution

    Landesschulrat for Styria and the Modellschule Graz

    Project partners:

    1. Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz, Germany

    2. State Institute for Teacher Training and Further Education--SIL (now: Institute for School Training and School Psychological Counseling), Regional Center Saarburg, Germany

    3. Administration of School District N. 52 of Ragusa, Italy

    4. University Mateja Bela V Banskej Bystrici, Slovakia

    5. University of Smoceska, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic


    4.6. Qualifications and Professional Position of the Project Partners


    4.7. Supporting institutions in the partner countries

    Ministry for Education, Science and Advanced Studies of the State of Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.

    School District N. 54, Modica, Italy

    Instituto die Gestalt associazione culturale CERIS.P, Caltanisetta, Italy

    Institute of Gestalt. H:C.C Ragusa/Siracusa, Italy

    Progetto Formazione Globable, Modica, Italy

    Verein Modellschule, Graz, Austria

    Pedagogical Institute for Styria, Graz, Austria

    Institute for Integrative Gestalt Pedagogy and Pastoral Counseling IIGS, Austria

    Center for Pedagogy, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

    Metodicke Centrum, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
