Promoting teacher competence to develop a learning atmosphere in school classes that are heterogeneous especially in terms of language, culture and achievement following the principles and practice of Gestalt-pedagogy
further contents Adresses | Contacts
7. Contacts
Socrates Program:
National Agents
Austria: COMENIUS Bureau, Schreyvogelgasse 2, 1010 Vienna, Tel.: (43-1) 534 08 31
e-mail: paschinger.soc@OEAD.AC.AT, project number: 71520-CP-1-1999, course nr.
top7.3. Contact persons from the project groups:
Country | Name | Telephone | Fax | Adress |
Place |
Austria |
Mag. Ute Kienzl Modellschule Graz | |
+43/316/ 303765 |
+43/316/ 303765 |
Fröbelg. 28 | 8020 Graz |
Germany |
Prof. Dr. Jörg Bürmann Johannes Gutenberg- Universität Mainz, FB 11 | |
+49/ 6131/ 3925994 | +49/ 6131/ 393893 |
Johannes Gutenberg- Universität Mainz, FB 11 |
55099 Mainz |
Germany |
Ursula Forster Haus Saarburg IFB | |
+49/ 6581/ 916726 |
+49/ 6581/ 916740 |
Blümchesfeld 13-15 |
54439 Saarburg |
Italy |
Prof. Giovanni Firrito Distretto Scolastic0 52 | | +39/0932/652051 |
Vico N. Scrofani,11 |
97100 Ragusa | |
Slovakia |
Ph.Dr. Ivica Lencova | | +/88/4465113 |
FHV Tajoského 40 |
97401 Banska Bystrica | |
Czech Republic | PaedDr. Hana Andrasova | | +420/387773223/3222 |
+420/386354927 |
PF JU, Jeronýmova 10 |
37115 Ceske Budejovice |
Switzerland |
Dana Wittlin-Hoffmann Erziehungsdeparte-ment des Kantons Aargau | | +41/62/ 8352113 | +41/ 62/ 835 21 09 |
Obere Vorstadt 3 |
CH- 5000 Aarau |